Top 12 Virtual Conferences 2020.

Top 12 Virtual Conferences You Should Attend in 2020

Many HR organizations have moved conferences online. Here’s a list of upcoming virtual HR conferences to attend from the safety of home.

Rod Flowers: Learning and HR.

Integrating Learning into HR Practice: Spotlight on Rod Flowers, SPHR

Rod Flowers manages a team of 16 people covering HR, learning and development but hasn’t forgotten his roots in education.

How to Create Flex Teams.

How to Create Flex Teams

Flex teams are pre-assembled and on standby for your next project. Here’s how to put together high-caliber flex teams at your organization.

Choose a Certification Prep Provider

How to Choose a Certification Prep Provider

Certification preparation courses help you focus your study efforts. HRCI offers several options ranging from online classroom options to self-study courses. Regardless of the method you select, it is important you create and follow a study plan that works best for you.

Right Professional Network For You.

Find the Right Professional Network for You

The right professional network can boost your HR career. Here’s how to decide which organization will help you accomplish your professional goals.

HRCI®'s Guide to Online Testing

HRCI’s Guide to Online Testing

HRCI® understands how difficult it’s been for HR professionals. Our certificants are leading by example, supporting their organizations through these uncertain times.

Becoming Agile During COVID-19

Agile in the Age of COVID-19

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has brought big, unprecedented challenges that require companies to respond to a new business environment.

Cultivating Agile People Management.

3 Ways to Make Your People Management More Agile

Agility helps your HR team act quickly in the face of disruption. Here’s how to implement agile people management at your organization.

Champion Inclusion at WorkChampion Inclusion at Work.

Diversity is Not Enough: Why HR Should Champion Inclusion in the Workplace

Diversity and inclusion are important initiatives, but the “I” in D&I is often overlooked. Here’s why inclusion in the workplace matters for your organization.

Help Create Agile Career Paths.

Climbing the Rock Wall, Not the Ladder: How You Can Help Your People Create Agile Career Paths

Career agility is essential for your organization’s viability. Here’s how you can facilitate agile career paths for your workforce.

Ethics in Human Resources

Setting a New Standard for Ethics in Human Resources

HR leadership is essential for embedding ethics in workplace culture. Here’s how to create a strong culture of HR ethics at your organization.

Create a Culture of Compliance.

How to Create a Culture of Compliance

There’s more to compliance than just following the rules. Here’s how to build compliance into your company’s cultural DNA.

On-the-Job Recert Credits.

Recertification Tips: On-the-Job Learning in the Age of Coronavirus

As an HR professional, you are dealing with the impact of the Coronavirus in the workplace. You are having to initiate a variety of efforts that may or may not be familiar to you. Therefore, your involvement presents a great learning opportunity to take notes and share your learning along the way.

Tips Writing Code of Ethics.

3 Tips for Writing a Code of Ethics for Your Business

Do your employees have the tools they need to make ethical decisions? Here’s how to write a code of ethics that inspires the ethical behaviors you want to see.

Encourage Employees to Earn Certification.

How to Encourage Your Employees to Earn Certifications

Certifications are the bedrock of learning culture, but finding the time to invest is hard. Here’s how you can encourage your employees’ certification goals.