Taking the Exam

Availability and Locations

HRCI® exams are offered at test centers around the world and online in select locations using OnVue*.

Search for the nearest Pearson VUE test center or learn more about online testing before you apply and plan your testing experience. Test center and online testing appointments are available on a first come, first served basis. You are more likely to secure your preferred testing date and time if you schedule your exam as soon as your application is approved. We encourage you to avoid waiting until you are nearing the end of your eligibility period to schedule your exam. HRCI monitors test center usage closely and periodically evaluates test center locations based on customer volume.

Pearson Vue Online Testing

Unable to find a test center in your location?

Please contact HRCI directly for additional support.

Contact Us
*Online exam delivery is currently available for residents of the United States and Canada for the following certification exams: Associate Professional in Human Resources® (aPHR®), Professional in Human Resources® (PHR®), Professional in Human Resources – California® (PHRca®), Senior Professional in Human Resources® (SPHR®) and Global Professional in Human Resources® (GPHR®).